Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Deck Railing

Kelly and I decided it was time to replace the temporary railing and square deck posts.  Out with the old, and in with the new.  Logs were harvested on the property, skinned by hand, and installed over the course of three days. Then it was on to the railing. 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Bar Top--Part Three--Final Fitting

Once we were certain that the bar top would fit as we had envisioned, we made the final cut with the mill and started installing it piece by piece. Lots of sanding, head scratching, and double-checking measurements went on before we got to enjoy that first beer!

Bar Top--Part Two--Alaskan Chainsaw Mill

The title says it all. My neighbor Bob came over with his gear and we milled the bar top over the course of an evening and another day.

Here's the first slab cut. It's easy from here.

Now we're edging the log, and onto the large slab cut.

Finishing slab cut, cutting it loose from the log, and finally, sanding in the garage before we start fitting it to the bar.